Hearing Assessment

Evergreen Audiology offers comprehensive hearing tests for adults and children aged 5+ years, including a range of WorkCover and industrial assessments.

You do not need a referral to have a hearing assessment, although Medicare rebates are available with a written referral from a Medical Practitioner.

A hearing assessment by a qualified audiologist is the first step towards better hearing.

Audiologists are trained to carefully and thoroughly investigate your hearing. The results of your hearing assessment provide your Audiologist with an objective understanding of your ear health, the type and degree of any hearing loss, and what steps need to be taken to optimise your hearing.


How to prepare for your hearing assessment

To ensure your appointment time is used effectively, it is important to come prepared.   Before your appointment, carefully consider those aspects of your life, whether work or leisure, that have become more difficult due to hearing issues. You may think of these in the context of specific sounds, voices, situations or environments in which you would like to hear better. 

Discussing your hearing difficulties with your loved ones can often provide helpful insight on how your hearing loss affects others, and engage their support in your hearing care journey. If you would prefer the support of a family member, friend or carer at your appointment, please feel welcome to have them accompany you for all or part of the appointment.

During your appointment

Your Audiologist will first discuss any concerns you have about your hearing and gather information about your hearing and ear health history. You will then be guided through a series of non-invasive tests to examine the function of each part of your ear.

If you would like to know more about the standard tests that make up a comprehensive audiological assessment, please see below.

Your Audiologist will use an otoscope to visually inspect each ear, ear canal and eardrum to examine for any pathology or blockage of the outer or middle ear.

A tympanometer will be used to measure the compliance of your middle ear system (including your eardrum and middle ear bones). This non-invasive test applies slight pressure variation to the ear canal while you listen to a low hum. The results indicate how well your ear is able to conduct sound vibrations through to the inner ear.

Audiometry is conducted in a sound-proof booth. These are sound treated enclosures that reduce background noise in line with Australian Standards. You will be provided with a pair of headphones and asked to indicate whether you are able to hear any ‘beeps’ of varying pitch and loudness in each ear. The softest sounds you can hear at each pitch are your ‘hearing thresholds’, and these are plotted on an audiogram. Air-conduction testing (using headphones) and bone-conduction testing (using a vibrating sound oscillator) round out a complete hearing test.

Speech discrimination tests use recorded speech materials to assess your ability to hear and discriminate speech sounds under different listening conditions, such as in quiet or noisy environments. The results of these tests provide important information about what type of hearing technology may be appropriate for you.

At the end of your appointment, your Audiologist will review your results with you and provide recommendations on how to optimise your hearing moving forward.

These may include:

  • Recommendations for hearing aids or assistive listening devices
  • Advice on behavioural and environmental modifications for easier listening
  • Advice on tinnitus relief strategies
  • Provision of custom earplugs
  • Removal and ongoing management of excessive earwax, and/or
  • Referral to medical specialists for further investigation or treatment (if a medical issue is flagged)
You will be provided with a copy of your results and a summary of the findings and recommendations.

The next step

If a medical issue is identified and referral to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist is indicated, you will be provided with a comprehensive report to take to your GP to obtain a referral.

If hearing aid fitting is recommended for you and you would like to proceed to a trial, your Audiologist will guide you through the device options available, and discuss the fitting and evaluation process. This may be during your hearing assessment appointment (time permitting) or at a later time. You may take as much time as you need to consider your results and recommendations before taking the next step.

For more information, visit hearing aids and hearing aid fitting.

Any questions?

We would love to hear from you. Please contact us for an obligation-free chat or to make an appointment.

Hearing Assessment