Hearing aids are sophisticated digital devices that are programmed to an individual’s hearing loss using computer software. It is essential that these devices are fitted by a professional to ensure they provide safe and appropriate levels of amplification, and deliver optimal benefit to the user.
At Evergreen Audiology, all hearing aid fittings are subject to a one-on-one fitting appointment with your audiologist, and a 30-day trial. Hearing aid sales without appropriate, individual, clinical care are not available.
Hearing aids aren't what they used to be.

Hearing aids are available in a wide range of sizes and styles to accommodate any degree of aidable hearing loss from very mild, to severe-profound. The majority of today’s hearing aids are sleek, discrete, and highly innovative, including great features such as Bluetooth connectivity (for audio streaming, hands-free calls, and mobile Apps for real-time fine-tuning), lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, and a range of wireless accessories to enhance your listening experience.
You should choose technology to suit your lifestyle and listening needs.
Hearing aid technology ranges from ‘basic’ to ‘premium’ across all hearing aid styles and brands. The technology level of the hearing aid is an indication of its ability to ‘clean up’ the incoming sound to support you in different listening environments – not the amount of amplification it can provide. Higher levels of technology have more advanced features to support you in a diverse range of listening environments, e.g. automatic adjustments, directional microphones, and background noise reduction. The cost of a hearing aid is largely determined by the technology level.

Basic technology for a quiet lifestyle. Suitable for 1:1 conversations in quiet, watching television, and using the phone.

Provides the essentials for someone with a calm lifestyle who mostly prefers quieter environments with one or two other people.

Best suited to those who like to attend small group gatherings in environments with low levels of background noise.

Great performance for busy people who enjoy a variety activities in environments with low-to moderate levels of background noise.

Engineered for people that need optimum performance in all environments, including those with higher levels of background noise.
Some considerations when selecting a hearing aid.
- Your hearing loss may be better managed by certain styles of hearing aid (e.g. custom or behind-the-ear) to achieve the best possible audibility, sound quality, and physical fit;
- While all hearing aid brands offer a comprehensive portfolio of devices and features, in my experience, I have not yet encountered a single brand that can offer the best option for every client – that’s why I work with all leading hearing aid brands and attend regular product training events to keep pace with new developments across the board.
- When thinking about your budget, choose a device that you can reasonably afford, at a level that can accommodate as many of your listening needs as possible. It’s worthwhile checking if you are entitled to any subsidies or rebates towards hearing aids before your appointment;
- For peace of mind, you will have the opportunity to trial your chosen hearing aid(s) for 30-days, and remember…
Want to know more?
See our FAQs for answers to frequently asked questions about hearing aids, or come in for a chat with our audiologist about your hearing needs.